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Get involved (and stay informed) with Creek PTCO!






The Creek PTCO holds many great meetings for parents. Meeting dates can be found on the CCHS website calendar or on our PTCO webpage (click on “Parents” on the CCHS website).


PTCO General Meetings – the PTCO holds approximately 6 meetings a year. Most meetings feature student performers or a keynote speaker. Principal Silva gives the latest update on the “State of Creek” and answers questions from parents.


Principal Silva’s Brown Bag Meetings - these monthly meetings are a great opportunity to get the latest updates from Principal Silva and ask questions in a smaller setting.


Accountability – these monthly meetings review how CCHS is meeting its accountability goals for excellence and equity, for college and post-secondary success, for a safe and caring environment, and for partnering with students, parents and community members in the education process.


Creek PTCO Exec Board and Committee Chairs: We are always looking for great volunteers. Slating for our open exec board and committee chairs positions for the 2023-2024 school year will begin this January. If you are interested, please email us at CreekPTCO@gmail.com


Fall Check-in: Before school starts in August, Creek will hold check-in for students. Parents are needed to help make check-in run more smoothly. A Check-in Volunteer signup genius link will be emailed to parents this summer.


First Fridays: Come be part of our new staff appreciation program, no cooking required! Volunteers help distribute treats to teachers. Look for a signup genius in “Week at Creek” in the fall.

PTCO Communications

All PTCO information is published in Creek’s weekly newsletter, “Week at Creek”, and on the CCHS website (click on “Parents”). Email us any time at CreekPTCO@gmail.com